Wang Qiaochun

  1. General information

  First name: Qiaochun

  Family name: Wang

  Gender: Male

  Date of birth: Feb. 1958

  Place of birth: Sichuan, P .R. China

  Title: Professor and Deputy Dean of College of Horticulture

  Home Institute: College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, 712100, Shaanxi,  P.R. China.

  E-mail: </index.html>

  Tele: +86-13474358262

  Fax: +86-29-87081660

  2. Education

  1978.02-1982.02: Undergraduate study in Department of Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan, BSc.

  1986.10-1988.10: Postgraduate study in Department of Horticulture, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark and Department of Horticulture, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. MSc.

  1998.10-1999.06: Trainee in Advanced Course "Production of Horticultural Crops in Tropical and Subtropical Climate", Department of Extension Study, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

  1999.07-2003.02: Ph. D study in Department of Plant Protection, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel,  Ph. D.

  2003.03-2003.10: Post Doctorate in Department of Plant Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

  3. Working experiences

  1982.03-1986.09: Teaching assistant in Department of Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan.

  1988.11-1993.12: Lecturer, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean in Department of Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan.

  1994.01-1994.12: Visiting scientist in Department of Applied Microbiology, University of Vienna, Austria.

  1995.01-1995.07: Deputy Dean and Associate Professor in College of Forestry and Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan.

  1995.08-1998.09: Professor and Director in Institute of Horticulture, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Science, Sichuan

  2003.11-2007.09: Visiting Professor in Department of Applied Biology, University of Helsinki, Finland.

  2007.11-: Professor and Deputy Dean in College of Horticultural Science, Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaaxi, P. R. China.

  4. Courses given to undergraduate, graduate and Ph. D students

  1. Viral Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their Control;

  2. Plant Tissue Culture;

  3. Pomology;

  4. Introduction to Horticulture;

  5. How to write and publish SCI papers.

  5. Main interests in research

  1. Cryobiology;

  2. Plant tissue culture;

  3. Plant biotechnology;

  4. Plant virology;

  6. Academic association positions

  1.Member of Editorial Board: The Scientific World Journal.

  2.Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Life Science.

  3. Member of Editorial Board: Advances in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology.

  4. Member of Scientific Committee of International Society of Low Temperature Biology.

  5. Chairman of the first International Symposium on Cryopreservation of Horticultural Crops in China. Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 2011 June 28-July 2.

  6. Member of Scientific Committee of the first International cryopreservation on Horticultural Crops. 4-7 April, 2009, Belgium.

  7. Member of Scientific Committee of the Second International cryopreservation on Horticultural Crops. 15-18 April, 2013, Portland, USA.

  8. Reviewer of SCI journals including: Biotechonology Advances, Journal of Biotechnology; Annals of Applied Biology; Plant Cell Reports; Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture; Potato Research; Euphytic; CryoLetters; Plant Disease; Journal of Plant Pathogy.

  7. Main academic activities

  1. III Symposium on Growth Regulators in Ornamental Horticulture, 1998, Skierniewice, Poland.

  2.  II Nordic Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture, 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  3. International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology and its Contribution to Plant Development, Multiplication and Improvement, 1991, Geneva, Switzerlan.

  4.  XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses, 1994, Rome, Italy.

  5. International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology, 2000, Helsinki, Finland.

  6. Congress of In Vitro Biology, 2003, Portland, U.S.A

  7. International Symposium on Biological and Molecular Biology of Grapevine, 2004, Budapest, Hungary.

  8. International Symposium on Cryobiology, 2005, Cuba.

  9. International Symposium on plant microbiology, 2006, Helsinki, Finland

  10. European Cost Meeting of Cryoplanet, 2007, Florence, Italy (invited speaker)。

  11. First Symposium on Cryopreservation of Horticultural Plant. April 2009, Leuven, Belgium (invited speaker)。

  12. First International Symposium on Cryopreservation of Horticultural Crops. June 2011, Yangling, China (Chairman)

  13. XIII International Symposium on Ornamental Crop Viruses, 22-25th June, 2012, Oslo (invited speaker)。

  14. Annual meeting of International Society of Low temperature Biology, 12-14 Oct. 2012, London (invited speaker)。

  15. IIIX International Symposium on In Vitro Breeding and Micropropagation of Horticultural Crops. 1-6 June, 2013, Coimbra, Portugal (invited speaker)。

  16. II International Symposium on Cryopreservation of horticultural Crops, 11-16 Oct. 2013, Fort Collins, USA (invited speaker)。

  17. III International Symposium on Lilium Species, 4-6 April, 2014. Xiaomen, China (invited speaker)。

  18. The 50th Anniversary Conference on Low Temperature Biology, 6-8 Oct. 2014, London, UK.

  8.Main publications in international journals

  78. Zhibo Zhang, YeonKyeong Lee, Carl Spetz, Jihong Liu Clarke, Qiaochun Wang and Dag-Ragnar Blystad. 2015. Invasion of shoot apical meristems by Chrysanthemum stunt viroid differs among Argyranthemum cultivars. Frontier in Plant Science (accepted)。

  77. Ren-Rui Wang, Hai-Qing Mou, Xiao-Xia Gao, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Liu-Qing Huo, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Cryotherapy of Ziziphus jujuba shoot tips for efficient eradication of Jujube witches’ broom phytoplasma. Annals of Applied Biology. doi:10.1111/aab.12175.

  76. Zhen-Hua Cui, Wen-Lu Bi, Jing Liu, Chen Pan, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2015. Abiotic stress improves in vitro biological indexing of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in red grapevine cultivars. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research (accepted)。

  75. Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Bing Zhao, Ling-Yu Hu, Liu-Qing Huo, Qiao-Chun Wang. Simultaneous somatic embryogenesis and shoot recovery from cryopreserved shoot tips of Lilium (submitted)。

  74. Zhi-Bo Zhang, Gry Skjeseth, Abdelameed Elameen, Sissel Haugslien, Astrid Sivertsen, Qiao-Chun Wang and Dag-Ragnar Blystad. Field performance evaluation and genetic integrity assessment in Argyranthemum maderense plants recovered from cryopreserved shoot tips (submitted)。

  73. Ren-Rui Wang, Xiao-Xia Gao, Long Chen, Liu-Qing Huo, Ming-Fu Li and Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Shoot recovery and genetic integrity of Chrysanthemum morifolium shoot tips following cryopreservation by droplet-vitrification. Scientia Horticulturae, 176: 330-339.

  72. Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Bing Zhao, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. An efficient, widely applicable cryopreservation of Lilium shoot tips by droplet-vitrification. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 36: 1683-1692

  71. Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Long Chen, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Plant regeneration and cryopreservation of Lilium. 2014. Acta Horticulturae. 1027: 185-196.

  70. Lei Zhao, Chao-Hong Feng, B.-Q Li, X-A Hao, H Liu, Yun-Feng Wu, and Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Rapid detection of Apple stem grooving virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal application. Journal of Plant Pathology, 96: 407-409

  69. Lei Zhao, Xingan Hao, Huan Liu, Qiao-chun Wang and Yunfeng Wu. 2014. Rapid detection of Turnip mosaic virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of Phytophathology. doi: 10.1111/ jph.12227.

  68. Lei Zhao, Chaohong Feng, Xingan Hao, Renrui Wang, Lingyun Hu, Qiao-chun Wang and Yunfeng Wu. 2014. Detection and molecular variability of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Shaanxi, China. Journal of  Phytopathology. doi: 10.1111/jph.12207.

  67. Bai-Quan Li, Chao-Hong Feng, Min-Rui Wang, Ling-Yun Hu, Long Chen, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Cryopreservation of shoot tips of apple (Malus) by encapsulation-dehydration using adventitious shoots derived from leaf segments. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant.  50:357-368.

  66. Long Chen, Zhen-Fang Yin, Wen-Lu Bi, Bing Zhao, Pablo Marinangeli and Qiao-ChunWang. Somatic embryogenesis, histological observations and genetic stability assessments in regenerants in Lilium spp. (submitted)。

  65. Biao Wang, Ren-Rui Wang, Zhen-Hua Cui, Jing-Wei Li, Wen-Lu Bi, Bai-Quan Li and Qiao-chun Wang. 2014. Potential applications of cryobiotechnology to plant genetic transformation and pathogen eradication. Biotechnology Advances. 32: 583-595.

  64. Biao Wang, Jing-Wei Li, Zhi-Bo Zhang, Ren-Rui Wang, Yan-Li Ma Dag-Ragnar Blystad, E.R. Joachim Keller, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Three vitrification-based cryopreservation procedures cause different cryo-injury to potato shoot tips while all maintain genetic integrity in regenerants. Journal of Biotechnology. 84: 47-55.

  63. Zhen-Fang Yin, Long Chen, Wen-Lu Bi, Qiao-Chun Wang, Gayle M Volk. 2014. Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis from cryopreserved shoot tips of Lilium Oriental hybrid ‘Siberia’。 Acta Horticulturae. 1039:193-200.

  62. Ren-Rui Wang, Xiao-Xia Gao, Long Chen, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Cryopreservation of Dendranthema morifolium 'Japanese Red' shoot tips by droplet-vitrification. Acta Horticulturae. 1039:187-192.

  61. Chao-Hong Feng, Bai-Quan Li, Ling-Yun Hu, Min-Rui Wang, Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. A comparison of two cryogenic protocols in cryopreservation of apple shoot tips. Acta Horticulturae. 1039:161-166.

  60. Biao Wang, B., Jing-Wei Li, Qiao-Chun Wang, Shi-Wen Wang, Li-Na Yin. 2014. ATGR1and TDHAR1 over-expression in transgenic plants enhanced recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips of potato (Solanum tubersum)。 Acta Horticulturae. 1039:91-96.

  59. Zhang, Z.-B., Haugslien, S., Clark, J.H.Liu, Spetz, C., lee, Y., Sivertsen, A., Skjeseth, G., Blystad, D-R., Qiao-Chun Wang. 2014. Cryotherapy could not eradicate Chrysanthemum stunt viroid from infected Argyranthemum maderense ‘Yellow Empire’。 Acta Horticulturae. 1039:201-208.

  58. Jing-Wei Li, Biao Wang, Xiao-Ming Song, Ren-Rui Wang, Hao Zhang, Zhi-Bo Zhang and Qiao-Chun Wang. 2013. Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) influence vegetative, physiological metabolism of in vitro-cultured shoots of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)。 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 114:313-324

  57. Z.-F. Yin, L. Chen, B. Zhao and Q.-C. Wang. 2013. Development of simple and universal cryoprocedure for Lilium by droplet-vitrification. Cryo-Letters 34: 174.

  56. Wang B, Zhang ZB, Wang RZ, Ma LY and Wang QC. 2013. Development of three vitrification-based cryopreservations of shoot tips for China’s potato. Cryo-Letters 34: 369-380.

  55. Yin ZF, Zhao B, Chen L and Wang QC. 2013.  A wide spectrum protocol for direct shoot regeneration from leaf segments of Lilium and assessment in regenerated plantlets by ISSR and AFLP. In Vitro Cell Dev. Bio-Plant. 49:333-342.

  54. Feng CH, Cui ZF, Li BQ and Wang QC. 2013. Duration of sucrose preculture is critical for shoot regrowth in apple (Malus) shoot tips cryopreserved by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult. 112:369-378.

  53. Zhao B, Yin ZF, Xu Man, Wang QC. 2012. AFLP analysis of genetic variation in wild populations of five Rhododendron species in Qinling Mountain in China. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 45: 198-205.

  52. Wang QC, Wang RR, Li BQ, Cui ZH. 2012. Cryopreservation: a strategy for safe preservation of genetically transformed plant materials. Adv Genet Eng Biotechnol 1:1-2.

  51. Feng CH, Yin ZF, Zhang ZB, Ma YL, Wang B and Wang QC. 2012. Plant pathogen elimination by cryotherapy of shoot tips. In: Lambardi M et al. (eds), Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants, Springer, Netherlands, pp. 598-612.

  50. Yin ZF, Chen L, Zhao M and Wang QC. 2012. Cryopreservation of embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-dehydration and encapsulation-vitrification. In: Plant Cell Culture Protocols, Loyola et al. (eds) Humana Press, pp. 81-94.

  49. Wang B, Zhang ZB, Yin ZF, Feng CH and Wang QC. 2012. Novel and potential application of cryopreservation to plant genetic transformation. Biotechnology Advances. 30: 604-612.

  48. Wang B, Ma YL, Zhang ZB and Wang QC (2011) Cryopreservation of china’s potato shoot tips by vitrification, encapsulation-vitrification and droplet-vitrification. First International Symposium on Horticultural crops in China. June, 2011, Yangling, Shaanxi, PR. China.

  47. Yin ZF, Chen L, Zhao B, Zhu YQ and Wang QC (2011) In vitro shoot regeneration and cryopreservation of Lilium spp. by vitrification. First International Symposium on Horticultural crops in China. June, 2011, Yangling, Shaanxi, PR. China.

  46. Feng CH, Cui ZH, Li BQ, Ma YL and Wang QC (2011) Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of apple (Malus) by encapsulation-dehydration. First International Symposium on Horticultural crops in China. June, 2011, Yangling, Shaanxi, PR. China.

  45. Wang B, Ma YL, Zhang ZB, Wu ZM, Wu YF, Wang QC, Li MF (2011) Potato viruses in China. Crop Protection.  30: 1117-1123.

  44. Feng CH, Yin ZF, Ma YL, Zhang ZB, Chen L, Li BQ, Huang YS, Wang B, and Wang QC. 2011. Cryopreservation of sweetpotato and its pathogen elimination by cryotherapy. Biotechnology Advances, 29: 84-93.

  43. Yin ZF,  Feng CH, Wang B and Wang QC. 2010. Cryotherapy of shoot tips: a newly emerging technique for efficient elimination of plant pathogens. Acta Horti. 809: 373-383.

  42. Feng CH, Ma YL, Zhang ZB, Wang B, Yin ZF, Chen L, Li BQ, Wang QC. 2010. Virus elimination of fruit trees by cryotherapy of shoot tips. Journal of Fruit Science. 27(suppl.): 17-21.

  41. Wang QM, Zhang LM, Wang B, Yin ZF, Feng CH and Wang QC. 2010. Sweetpotato viruses in China. Crop Protection. 29:110-114.

  40. Nukari A ,Uosukainen M , Rokka VM, Antonius K, Wang QC, Valkonen JPT  (2009) Cryopreservation techniques and their application in vegetatively propagated crop plants in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, 18: 117-128.

  39. Wang QC, Panis B, Engelmann F, Lambardi M and Valkonen JPT (2009) Cryotherapy of shoot tips: a technique for pathogen eradication to produce healthy planting materials and prepare healthy plant genetic resources for cryopreservation. Annals of Applied Biology. 154: 351-363

  38. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2009. Cryotherapy of shoot tips: novel pathogen eradication method. Trends in Plant Science, 14:119-122.

  37. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2009. Improved recovery of cryo-treated shoot tips following theromotherapy of in vitro stock shoots of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)。 CryoLetters, 30(3): 171-182.

  36. Zhang LM, Wang QM, Liu QC and Wang QC. 2009. Sweetpotato in China. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Sweetpotato. Eds: Loebenstain G. and Thottappilly G, Springer Netherland, pp. 325-358.

  35. Wang B, Yin ZF, Feng CH, Shi X, Li YP and Wang QC. 2009. Cryopreservation of potato shoot tips. In: Benkeblia N, Tennant P (Eds) Potato I. Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 2 (Special Issue 1), pp. 46-53, Global Science Book, London.

  34. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Elimination of two synergistically interacting viruses from sweetpotato by shoot tip culture and cryotherapy of shoot tips. Journal of Virological Methods. 154, 135-145

  33. Wang QC, Laamanen J, Nukari A, Uosukainen M, Kesulahti J and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Sailytettavan aineiston tautipuhdistus kryoterapialla. Plant Biotechnology in Finland. 4: 1-5

  32. Nukari A, Wang QC, Uosukainen M, Laamanen J, Rokka V.-T, Rantala S and Valkonen JPT 2008. Evaluation of encapsulation and droplet vitrification methods in gene preservation work. Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe, CRYOPLANET - COST Action 871, February 2008, Oulu, Finland, pp. 55-56

  31. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Efficient elimination of sweetpotato little leaf phytoplasma by cryoptherapy of shoot tips (Ipomoea batatas L.)。 Plant Pathology, 57:338-347.

  30. Wang QC, Cuellar WJ, Rajamaki M-L, Hirata Y, and Valkonen J JP. 2008. Combined thermotherapy and cryotherapy for efficient virus eradication: relation of virus distribution, subcellular changes, cell survival and viral RNA degradation in shoot tips. Molecular Plant Pathology, 9:237-250.

  29. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007. Elimination of viruses and phytoplasma by cryotherapy of in vitro-grown shoot tips of sweet potato and raspberry. An Invited Lecturer, European Cost Action Meeting. 11-12th of May, 2007. Florence, Italy.

  28. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007. Elimination of viruses and phytoplasma by cryotherapy of in vitro-grown shoot tips: Analysis of all cases. Advances in Horticultural Science, 21: 265-269.

  27. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of raspberry. In: Plant Cryopreservation of plants:A Practical Guide,R. Babara (ed)。 Springer-Valerg. pp. 333-365.

  26. Wang QC. 2007 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of grapevine. In: Plant Cryopreservation of plants:A Practical Guide, R. Babara (ed)。 Springer-Valerg. pp. 333-365.

  25. Wang QC and Perl A. 2006. Cryopreservation in Floricultural Crops. In: Jaimie T. da Silva (ed), Floricultural, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topics. Global Science Books, London. Chapter 58. pp. 523-539.

  24. Wang QC, Lui Y, Xie LR and You MS. 2006 Efficient elimination of Potato leafroll virus (PLV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) by cryopreservation of shoot tips. Potato Research. 49:119-129.

  23. Wang QC and Perl A. 2005. Cryopreservation of embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-vitrification. In: Víctor M. Loyola-Vargas and Felipe Vázquez-Flota, Plant Cell Culture Protocols, Methods in Molecular, Humana Press, USA, Chapter 17, pp.77-86.

  22. Nukari A, Uosukainen M and Wang QC. 2005. Cryopreservation of quality plant production. In: COST843 and COST851 Joint Metting. June 28-July 2, 2005. Stará Lessná, Slovakia, pp 171-172.

  21. Wang QC, Laamanen J, Uosukainen M and Valkonen JPT (2005) Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) by encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Rep. 24: 280-288.

  20. Wang QC, Li P, Hanania U, Sahar N, Mawassi M, Gafny R, Sela I, Tanne E and Perl A. 2005. Improvement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency and transgenic plant regeneration of Vitis vinifera L. by optimizing selection regimes and utilizing cryopreserved cell suspensions. Plant Science, 168:565-571.

  19. Wang QC, Mawassi M, Sahar N, Li P, Violeta C.-T, Gafny R, Sela I, Tanne E, Perl A (2004) Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis spp.) embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-vitrification. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 77: 267-275.

  18. Wang QC, Li P, Batuman O, Gafny R and Mawassi M. 2003. Effect of benzyladenine on recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips of grapevine and citrus cultured in vitro. Cryoletters, 24: 293-302.

  17. Wang QC, Mawassi M, Li P, Gafny R, Sela I and Tanne E. 2003. Elimination of grapevine virus A (GVA) by cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Vitis vinifera L. Plant Science, 165:321-327.

  16. Wang QC, Gafny R, Sahar N, Sela I, Mawassi M, Tanne E and Perl A. 2002. Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-dehydration and subsequent plant regeneration. Plant Science, 162: 551-558.

  15. Wang QC, Batuman ?, Li P, Bar-Joseph M and Gafny R. 2002. A simple and efficient cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of `Troyer' citrange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck.] by encapsulation-vitrification. Euphytica, 128:135-142.

  14. Wang  QC, Batuman ?, Li P, Bar-Joseph M and Gafny R. 2002 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of ‘Troyer’ citrange [poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. X Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck.] by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Reports.  20:901-906.

  13. Wang QC, Tanne E, Arav A and Gafny R. 2000. Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of grapevine by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 63:41-46.

  12. Deng GT, Li DF, Li YT, Zhang YS, Wang QC, Xiu LH and Zhang FL. 1995. Distribution and use of Malus in Hengduan Mountain region, southwest China. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 102: 29-32.

  11. Knapp E, da Camara Machado A, Puhringer H, Wang QC, Hanzer V, Weiss H,  Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. Localization of fruit tree viruses by immuno-tissue printing in infected shoots of Malus and Prunus sp. Journal of Virological Methods. 55(2):157-173.

  10. Knapp E, Hanzer V, Weiss H, da Camara Machado A, Wang QC, Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. Distribution of ACLSV in apple shoots cultivated in vitro. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994, Acta Horticulturae 386: 187-194.

  9. Knapp E, Hanzer V, Weiss H, da Camara Machado A, Wang QC, Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. New Aspects of virus elimination in fruit trees. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994, Acta Horticulturae 386: 409-418

  8. Wang QC and Tang HR. 1994. Strawberry culture in China. Chronic Horticulturae. 34: 4-7.

  7. Wang QC, Tang HR, Quan Y and Zhou GR. 1994. Phenol induced browning and establishment of shoot-tip explants of 'Fuji' apple and 'Jinhua' pear cultured in vitro. Journal of Horticultural Science, 69: 833-839.

  6. Wang QC. 1992. The effect of light, darkness and temperature on micropropagation of the pear rootstock BP10030. Journal of Horticultural Science, 67: 869-876.

  5. Wang QC. 1991. Factors affecting rooting of microcuttings of the pear rootstock BP10030. Scientia Horticulturae, 45: 209-213.

  4. Wang QC. 1991. Shoot multiplication of pear in double-phase medium culture, Acta Horticulturae, 289: 349-350.

  3. Wang QC and Svensson M. 1988. Effect of double-phase medium on shoot multiplication of pear (Pyrus communis L.), Abstract Book of Second Nordic Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture, pp56-59.

  2. Wang QC. 1988. Micropropagation of pear (Pyrus communis L.): factors affecting establishment of in vitro culture. Annal Report of Horticultural Crop Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 6:93-99, Sweden

  1. Wang QC and Andersen AS. 1998. Propagation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: relations between stock plant cultivar, age, environment and growth regulator treatment. Acta Horticulturae, 251: 289-309.