Wang Shufen



College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University

3 Taicheng Road,

Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100, China

Tel: +86-13201773790



Ph.D. 2014  HuaZhong Agricultural University

B.S. 2008 HuaZhong Agricultural University

Research Interests

Regulation mechanism of BR signal transduction in tomato development and abiotic stress resistance.


1. Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China, 2021JM-104, 2021-2022

2. Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China, 2017JM3019, 2017-2018

3. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2452017066, 2017-2018

4. National Natural Science Foundation, 31501771, 2016-2018

Slected Publications

1. Liu JW#, Wang SF#, Wang H, Luo BT, Cai YY, Li XD, Zhang YF, Wang XF*. 2021. Rapid generation of tomato male-sterile lines with a marker use for hybrid seed production by CRISPR/Cas9 system. Molecular Breeding 41.

2. Hu TX#, Wang SF#, Wang Q, Xu X, Wang QQ, Zhan XQ*. 2021. A tomato dynein light chain gene  SlLC6D  is a negative regulator of chilling stress. Plant Sci 303, 110753.

3. Wang SF#, Hu TX#, Tian AJ, Luo BT, Du CX, Zhang SW, Huang SH, Zhang F, Wang XF*. 2020. Modification of Serine 1040 of SIBRI1 Increases Fruit Yield by Enhancing Tolerance to Heat Stress in Tomato. Int J Mol Sci 21, 7681.

4. Wang SF#, Liu JW#, Zhao T, Du CX, Nie SM, Zhang YY, Lv SQ, Huang SH, Wang XF*. 2019. Modification of Threonine-1050 of SlBRI1 regulates BR Signalling and increases fruit yield of tomato. BMC Plant Biol 19, 256.

5. Wang QN#, Wang SF#, Gan SF, Wang X, Liu JW, Wang XF*. 2016. Role of Specific Phosphorylation Sites of Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid-Insensitive 1 Receptor Kinase in Plant Growth and Development. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 35, 755-769.

6. Wang SF, Lu G, Hou Z, Luo ZD, Wang TT, Li HX, Zhang JH*, Ye ZB*. 2014. Members of the tomato  FRUITFULL  MADS-box family regulate style abscission and fruit ripening. J Exp Bot 65, 3005-3014.

7. Nie SM#, Huang SH#, Wang SF, Mao YJ, Liu JW, Ma RL, Wang XF*. 2019. Enhanced brassinosteroid signaling intensity via  SlBRI1  overexpression negatively regulates drought resistance in a manner opposite of that via exogenous BR application in tomato. Plant Physiol Biochem 138, 36-47.

8. Nie SM#, Huang SH#, Wang SF, Cheng DD, Liu JW, Lv SQ, Li Q, Wang XF*. 2017. Enhancing Brassinosteroid Signaling via Overexpression of Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum )  SlBRI1  Improves Major Agronomic Traits. Front Plant Sci 8, 1386.