Sun Yan

  1. General information

  First name: Yan

  Family name: Sun

  Gender: Female

  Date and place of birth: September 6,1964, Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, People's Republic of China

  Title: Professor


  Tele: +86-29-87093376

  Fax: +86-29-87082613

  2. Education and working experiences

  2008.01: Ph.D. in Pedology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  1989.07 : M.S. in Pedology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  1984.07 : B.A. in Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  2005.12-: Professor, College of Horticulture, Nowthwest University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaaxi, P. R. China.

  3. Courses given to undergraduate, graduate and Ph. D students

  1. 'Experiment Desigin and Analysis'for B.A. students.

  2. 'Research Special Of Vegetables'for B.A. students.

  3. 'Introduction to Horticulture'for B.A. students.

  4. 'Basic Methods of Scientific Research'for B.A. students.

  4. Main interests in research

  1. Physiology of environmental stress of vegetables

  2. Genetic tranformation

  5. Main academic activities

  1. Docteral forum China, 2005,Nanjing, China.

  2. Sixth Young Symposium of Chinese Socity of Horticultural Science. June 2004,Yangling, China.


  1. Award by the People's Government of Shaanxi Province for  2nd class provincial Teaching Achievement Award, 2001.

  2. Award by the People's Government of Baoji City and Administrative Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone for Scientific Technology Progress Prize, respectively .

  7.Main publications

  [1] SunYan, Huang Wei ,Tian Xiao hong ,et al. Study on growth situation,

  photosynthetic characteristics and nutrient absorption characteristics of grafted cucumber seedlings. Plant Natrition and Fertilizen Science, 2002,8(2):181-185.(in Chinese)

  [2] Sun Yan,Yang Shu-ying. Effects of SA on resistance of cucumber seedlings to downy mildew. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2004,34(2):187-189. (in Chinese)

  [3] Sun Yan,Fan Ai-li, Xu Wei-jun. Effects of Oxalate on Photosynthetic Apparatus and Xanthophyll Cycle in Leaves of Cucumber Seedlings Under HighTemperature

  Stress. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005,38(9):1774-1779. (in Chinese)

  [4] Sun Yan, Wang Yi-Quan,Yang Mei1,et al. Effects of Soil Compactness Stress on Root Activity and Leaf Photo- synthesis of Cucumber. Acta Photophysiologica Sinica, 2005,31(5):545-550. (in Chinese)

  [5] Sun Yan, Fan Aili,Xu Weijun. Effects of Salicylic Acid and Oxalate on Photosynthetic System and Xanthophyll Cycle in Cucumber Leaves under Photooxidative Stress. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2005,32(6):1034-1038. (in Chinese)

  [6] Sun Yan , Xu Weijun ,Fan Aili. Effects of salicylic acid on chlorophyll fluorescence and xanthophyll cycle in cucumber leaves under high temperature and strong light. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006,17(3):399-402. (in Chinese)

  [7] Sun Yan, Wang Yi-quan,Feng Jia-yue,et al.Effects of soil compaction stress on the growth,yield and nutrient uptake of cucumber. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2006,12(4):559-564. (in Chinese)

  [8] Sun Yan,Wang Yiquan,Xu Weijun,et al. Effect of soil compaction on soil respiration intensity,plants growth and fruit quality of cucumber. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2008,45(6):11281-134. (in Chinese)

  [9] Sun Yan,Wang Yi-Quan,Tong Rui-qiang. Effects of soil compaction stress on photosynthesis,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2009,15(3):638-642. (in Chinese)

  [10]Xu Xiang-dong, Sun Yan,Sun Bo,et al. Effects of exogenous melatonin on active oxygen metabolism of cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2010,21(5):1295-1300. (in Chinese)

  [11]Sun Yan, Huang Wei .Photosynthetic Characteristic and Nutrient Absorption Characteristic of Two Grafted Cucumber Seedlings. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2002,29(2).179-180. (in Chinese)