Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometry Room

Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Room(room304)

The purpose of the Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometry Room is to provide scientific research services, which mainly include the services of metabolite analysis and greenhouse gas detection.

1290 InfinityⅡ-6470 Triple Four-Stage Rod Liquid Mass Spectrometer


Type: 1290 InfinityⅡ-6470

Manufacturer: Agilent(USA)

Technical Parameters

  1. Mass range: 5-3000m/ Z (single charge/mass charge ratio)

    Maximum scanning speed: 17000Da/ SEC.

    500 MRM ion pairs can be detected simultaneously.

    Scanning mode:Scan, SIM, Product Ion Scan, Precursor Ion Scan, Netural Lost Scan

Test Project

1)Detection of Dopamine

2)Detection of Melatonin

3)Detection of Flavonoids

4)Detection of Anthocyanins

5)Detection ofAmino Acids

6)Detection ofPlant Endogenous Hormone

7)Detection of Glycolic Acid

8)Detection ofVitamin

9)Detection ofAntibiotics

10)Detection ofNucleotide Substances

11)Detection ofBioamines

Triple Four-Stage Rod Liquid Mass Spectrometer



Manufacturer: AB SCIEX(USA)

Technical Parameters

  1. Mass number range: M/Z 5-1250 AMU

    Quadrupole scanning speed: not less than 12000AMU /s.

    Quality stability: ±0.1 amu/24hr

    Mass analyzer: With a triple quadrupole and linear ion trap mass analyzer, high-quality MRM atlases can be obtained for quantitative and high-quality secondary/tertiary full scan mass spectrometry for qualitative purposes.

Test Project

1)Detection of Dopamine

2)Detection of Melatonin

3)Detection of Flavonoids

4)Detection of Anthocyanins

5)Detection ofAmino Acids

6)Detection ofPlant Endogenous Hormone

7)Detection of Organic Acids andSugars

8)Detection ofVitamin

9)Detection ofNucleotide Substances

10)Detection ofBioamines

11)Qualitative Analysis of Metabolites

Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography


Type: LC-30A

Manufacturer: SHIMADZU(Japan)

Technical Parameters

  1. Quaternary low pressure mixing pump, series double piston pump, standard four-channel on-line vacuum degasser.

    Autosampler: syringe design of the flow path allows the sample to reach minimum residual discrimination and sample.

    Column Thermostat: semiconductor heating module; Setting range of temperature: 10-160℃.

    Three detectors: Diode Array Detector; Refractive Index Detector; Fluorescence detector.

Test Project

  1. Detection of Polyphenols.

    Detection of Anthocyanins, Chlorophyll, Beta Carotene, etc.

    Analysis of Organic Acids, Sugars, Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Natural Products.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography


Type: LC-2010A

Manufacturer: SHIMADZU(Japan)

Technical Parameters

  1. Pump type: double plunger.

    Autosampler:total injection; variable injection volume; setting range of injection volume: 0.1-100 mL (standard).

    Column temperature box:semiconductor heating module; setting range of temperature: 4-60℃.

    Detector: UV detector.

Test Project

  1. Detection of Polyphenols

    Detection of Anthocyanins, Chlorophyll Beta Carotene, etc.

    Analysis of Natural Products

Gas Chromatograph


Type: 7890B


Technical Parameters

  1. There are four EPC modes of operation: constant temperature and pressure, boost the program, and program flow

    Reproducibility of retention time: < 0.0008min

    Reproducibility of peak area:<1% RSD

    Three detectors: flame ionization detector (FID); electron capture detector (ECD); thermal conductivity detector (TCD) (electronic air control)

Test Project

  1. Analysis of Organophosphorus, Organochlorine, and Pesticide Residues in Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs

    Analysis of Common Advanced Fatty Acids, Carbon Dioxide, Ethylene, Ethanol, and Nitrous Oxide

Gas Chromatograph


Type: Trace GCUItra

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher

Technical Parameters

  1. Host multi-level program warming, electronic gas flow control, thermal conductivity detector (TCD), and flame ionization detector (FID)

    Sensitivity:S≥; Drift:≤100uV/30min; Noise: ≤20uV

    Linear range: ≥1000000;reproducibility of retention time:<0.0008min

    ChemStation:original Chinese software; Windows operating system

Test Project

  1. Quantitative Analysis of Ethylene.

Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry



Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher

Technical Parameters

  1. Quadrupole mass analyzer mass range: 1.2 ~ 1100 amu; EI and CI ion source

  1. Scanning speed: Maximum 11,111 amu / sec, increased by 0.01amu

    Scan Cycle: 65 scans / Sec; sensitivity: EI + 1pg octafluoro naphthalene; full scan 450: 1, select the ion 500: 1

    The stability of quality: 0.1amu/48 h

    The linear range of detector dynamic: 108; high performance molecular turbo pump ≥70 L/s

    Automatic liquid sampling and solid-phase microextraction mode

Test Project

1、Analysis of Volatiles (oils)

2、Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition

3、Analysis of Pesticide Residues

4、Derivative Analysis of Sugar and Acids

Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry


Type: QP-2010


Technical Parameters

  1. Quality range: m/z 1.5~1090; Resolution R≥2M(FWHM)

    Scanning speed: maximum 10000amu/s; sensitivity: Scan 1pg S/N≥185 E1; Standard: OFN

    Secondary electron multiplier tube detector; NIST library; EI ion source

    Automatic injection system: the liquid injection mode can be selected

Test Project

  1. Analysis of Volatiles (oils).

    Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition.

    Analysis of Pesticide Residues.

    Derivative Analysis of Sugar and Acids.