Introduction of Horticulture Science Research Center

The Horticulture Science Research Center was established by integrating several key laboratories in June 2016, according to the suggestion of "DOCUMENT 70,""Opening of Major National Scientific Research Equipment from the State Council of China" by the National Development and Reform Commission(2014), and "Notice of Accelerating Reformation of the Organization Model in Scientific Research Base" by Northwest A&F University.

Managed by professionals, all advanced types of equipment in this center are available to all faculty members and students of the university on payment. This center is responsible for providing an effective platform for interactions among the public, research groups, teaching faculties, and experimental stations, as well as serving all faculties and students for their fundamental research.

Research Center for Horticulture Scientific (Sharing Platform)

1)National Research and Development Center of Apple Industry

2)Key Laboratory (Centre) at Ministry/Province level

3)Experimental Stations

4)National Demonstrating Center for Experimental Teaching

  1. Research Center Structure


1.1Horticultural Germplasm Resources and Genetic Improvement Lab

a)National Research and Development Center of the Apple Industry

b)Research Center of Apple Technology in Shaanxi Province

c)Collaborative Innovation Center for Fruit Industry Development in Shaanxi Province

d)Key Laboratory of Biology and Germplasm Improvement for Horticultural Crops (Northwest region), Ministry of Agriculture, China

Stress Physiology, Ecology, and Quality Control Lab

1.2 Post-Harvest Biology and Logistics for Horticultural Products Lab

a)Key Laboratory of Biology and Germplasm Improvement for Horticultural Crops (Northwest region), Ministry of Agriculture, China

b)National Research and Development Center of the Apple Industry

1.3Protected Horticulture and its Highly Efficient and Sustainable UtilizationLab

a)Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture Engineering in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture

b)National Engineering Technology Research Center of Agricultural Comprehensive Test in Yangling

c)Engineering Research Center of Protected Agriculture in Shaanxi Province

  1. Management Model

  1. Mission and Goal

  1. Responsibilities

  1. Operational System

  1. Lab Structure

All types of equipment from different labs are integrated into eight analysis labs (protein analysis lab, growth and physiology room of horticulture plants, microscope room, cytology room, horticulture facility and environment room, nucleic acid and bioinformatics room, chromatography and mass spectrometry room, and plant tissue culture room), and one public experiment lab, forming an ‘8+1’ organizational model.