维多利亚vic115优惠大厅 - 维多利亚老品牌优惠大厅


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2022-07-15     浏览次数:









2018.01-今 维多利亚vic115优惠大厅果树系,副教授。

2. 研究方向



3. 主持项目情况




(4)陕西省重点专项子课题,“苹果现代育种技术研发和特色新种质创制” 主持;









(1)Wang S, Yan J, Hu B, Wang R, Xu J* (2022) Advanced epigenomic engineering in crop quality improvement (Review). Current Opinion in Food Science 46:100843.

(2)Wang S, Guo M, Huang K, Qi Q, Li W, Yan J, He J, Guan Q, Ma F, Xu J* (2022) Genome-wide identification and characterization of long noncoding RNAs involved in apple fruit development and ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 295:110898.

(3)Li W, Yan J, Wang S, Wang Q, Wang C, Li Z, Zhang D, Ma F, Guan Q, Xu J* (2021) Genome-wide analysis of SET-domain group histone methyltransferases in apple reveals their role in development and stress responses. BMC genomics 22 (1):1-17

(4)Xu, J.#*, Yan, J., Li, W., Wang, Q., Wang, C., Guo, J., Geng, D., Guan, Q. and Ma, F.*, (2020) Integrative Analyses of Widely Targeted Metabolic Profiling and Transcriptome Data Reveals Molecular Insight into Metabolomic Variations during Apple (Malus domestica) Fruit Development and Ripening. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(13), 4797. (IF2020="4.556)

(5)Xu, J.#, Zhou, S., Gong, X., Song, Y., van Nocker, S., Ma, F. and Guan, Q.* (2018) Single-Base Methylome Analysis Reveals Dynamic Epigenomic Differences Associated with Water Deficit in Apple. Plant biotechnology journal, 16(2): 672-687. (IF2017="6.305)

(6)Xu, J.#, Wang, X., Cao, H., Xu, H., Xu Q., Deng, X.* (2017) Dynamic Changes in Methylome and Transcriptome Patterns in Response to Methyltransferase Inhibitor 5-azacytidine Treatment in Citrus. DNA Research 24, 509-522. (IF2017="5.415)

(7)Xu, J.#, Xu, H., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Xu, Q. and Deng, X.* (2015a) Genome-wide identification of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) histone modification gene families and their expression analysis during the fruit development and fruit-blue mold infection process. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 607. (IF2015="4.495)

(8)Xu, J.D.#, Xu, H.D., Xu, Q. and Deng, X.X.* (2015b) Characterization of DNA Methylation Variations During Fruit Development and Ripening of Sweet Orange. Plant Mol Biol Rep 33, 1-11. (IF2015="2.304)

(9)徐记迪#,许海丹,徐强,邓秀新*. (2013) 甜橙DNA甲基化相关基因的克隆与表达分析. 园艺学报, 2013, 40 (S): 2625.

(10)Cao, H.B., Zhang, J.C., Xu, J.D., Ye, J.L., Yun, Z., Xu, Q., Xu, J. and Deng, X.X.* (2012) Comprehending crystalline beta-carotene accumulation by comparing engineered cell models and the natural carotenoid-rich system of citrus.  J Exp Bot 63, 4403-4417. (IF="5.242)

5. 联系方式

通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号维多利亚vic115优惠大厅 712100

Email: xujidi@nwafu.edu.cn ; xujidi@126.com


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